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Byrnes Dental Lab offer 3D printing

the print service.

Our aim is to be the most trusted, high quality digital model provider in the UK.

Using our state-of-the-art Carbon M2 printers, Monty and Marmaduke we offer a fast turn around service to help all labs embrace the digital work flow. From simple models like opposing casts and digital wax ups, to complex implant and die models, there are no models we cannot print.


Solid models can be designed on all platforms and sent to us as an .stl file.

Models with removable dies or implant models must be designed on 3Shape and using the byrnes .dme files to ensure we can print your soft tissue. It is also essential that the scan body type and implant type are sent with the case to avoid delays.

turnaround times

All model files received by 12pm will be shipped the next working day.

All stent files require 3 working days in the lab.


By using our print service we are here for you every step of the way. New to digital? New to 3D printing? Have no fear! Our experienced and friendly digital team are on hand to help. Needed a model yesterday? Give our operations team a buzz, we love to pull off the impossible! Never afraid to get our hands sticky and always service with a smile, it’s what we are all about here at Byrnes.

If you would like a price list for our print service then please do not hesitate to contact our operations team.

new client form

dme files

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